What is hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a practice that has been used in various techniques for thousands of years, and in many cultures regarded as a form of meditation.

During hypnosis, clients experience a state that feels a lot like sleep – the word itself comes from the ancient Greek word that means sleep. Like sleep, the practice can relax muscle tension and result in a more relaxed, refreshed feeling post treatment.

Although often very relaxing for someone under hypnosis, hypnosis allows focused attention on a particular area of a person’s life or lifestyle. This focus allows for deeper concentration, without distractions that would interrupt thought patterns.

what is hypnosis
what is hypnosis

Through hypnosis sessions, therapists guide their clients to accept suggestions which change perceptions, emotions, thoughts and behaviours. By easing communication with the ‘unconscious’ mind, hypnosis can uncover obstacles or hurdles that are not immediately apparent to the client. This discovery sheds light on changes that can be made, in order to take the steps towards the client’s goal or intention.

Hypnosis can be an effective therapy in the treatment of pain management, anxiety, low confidence, addictions and habits, stress relief and insomnia.

To find out more about how hypnosis can help you, please feel free to send me a message . I will be more than happy to address any concerns or queries you may have if you are new to this therapy.