Sally Thomas, Change Therapies. Confidence coaching at Mind Therapies with Sally

Coaching to grow your confidence

We all have times where we feel uncertain or more reserved. Everyone can have a bad day, life isn’t perfect. But if you have low levels of self-confidence, you may fall into patterns where you begin to avoid the things that challenge you.

These could be different environments or situations, hiding away from meeting new people, or excusing yourself from trying out new experiences. You may go over perceived ‘mistakes’, replaying events in your head to seek answers for ways to do that better next time. You may already be aware of how you’re withdrawing more and more from areas of your

There are many factors in your past – from childhood experiences to life circumstances – which may have contributed to how confident you feel. We can’t change our past, but we can change our thoughts to gain more confidence. Breaking the over-thinking cycle, and turning down the volume on your inner critic, can make such a positive impact.

With growing confidence, you will want to seek out those challenges you once shied away from – learning a new skill, setting a new goal, trying something new. Simply, where you think you ‘can’t’, you begin to think you ‘can’. Imagine the possibilities that could have for you.

Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming can support this change in thinking habits – a safe, and quick, way to reset negative thought patterns. Negative thoughts are quietened, positive thinking becomes easier. You feel more optimistic too, often after the first session.

If you need help to get out of your comfort zone, and want to feel more confident and energised again – please get in touch.